Jill - Panel Chair
Jill Farrelly is a qualified social worker who has worked in social care for nearly 40 years. Much of her experience has been in children’s services latterly as a senior manager in a voluntary adoption agency. Jill is passionate about promoting positive outcomes for children and young people who are in the care system. She recognises and values the incredible difference foster carers can make to those children’s lives.
Mariana - Agency Decision Maker
After each meeting, the Chair of the Panel will make recommendations to Community Foster Care' Decision Maker who will make the decision regarding approval of foster carers.
Mark - Vice Panel Chair
Mark is a former Police Inspector with Lancashire Constabulary and is an adoptive parent of two children who are now grown up. He has been a member of Blackpool's Adoption Panel since 2005.
Michelle - Panel Member
Michelle is a Panel Member, and works as a Specialist Safeguarding Nurse.
Jessica - Panel Member
Jessica is a Panel Member, and works as a Fostering Social Worker for a local authority.
Joanna - Panel Member
Joanna and her husband fostered children from 1981 through to 2014, looking after one long term placement and close to thirty emergency or respite placements.
Brian - Panel Member
Brian was a long term carer in a third sector fostering organisation for over 20 years while continuing his career in teaching, social work, training, and until recently as a Tribunal Panel Member in the Care Standards, Mental Health, and Disclosure and Barring jurisdictions.
Lynne - Panel Member
Lynne was a teacher for over 30 years, the majority of which as a Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Designated Teacher for Children in Care and also Safeguarding Lead.
Nweeda - Panel Member
Nweeda is an independent social worker, and has worked in the public sector for 25 years, in local government services of Education, Health and Children’s Social Care.
Jo - Panel Member
Jo has been a Panel member since 2003. She worked in education for twenty years, involved with a wide range of activities involving young people, families and schools.