Community Foster Care
We believe
every young person has the right to a bright future.
Mark, CEO at Community Foster Care
“We are a charity - we NEVER profit from children being placed with our foster families”

Our Purpose
To enable all children to grow up in a loving family.
How we are going to succeed
Our mission is to work in and with communities to grow the potential of people who can provide nurturing care through therapeutic foster parenting.
What we do
We provide the tools, support and community to enable foster carers to create better futures for the children in their care
Find Foster Carers
We connect young people in need of care with the right foster carers for them
Support Families
We provide support to our families, offering services like Community Family Care
Empower Young People
We provide support to young people, helping them find their place in life

Our Values
Integrity, Courage, Creativity, Community Commitment, Tenacity, Ambition
Our people
Meet the team
We have a passionate and dedicated team, seeking to build brighter futures for children. This is made up of Trustees, Staff, Social Workers and Volunteers.
Meet the family
Our family goes way beyond our team, our family is everyone we work for, supporting foster carers and young people, helping everyone to build brighter futures.
Fostering is one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have.
Every year thousands of children need to be looked after by foster carers because their families are not able to take care of them for a variety of reasons.
These children are almost always hurt and vulnerable, they can be silent and withdrawn or angry and, without exception, they’ll be worried about lots of things. The best place for a child who cannot live with their own family is to be placed with another family who can give them attention, support and lots of time to listen. Children and young people benefit so much from talking and this helps them to make sense of what’s happened to them and helps them to think positively about their future.
We exist to ensure children and young people in need have the right family for them.