Our Fostering Campaigns
Foster Their Roots
We launched Foster Their Roots at the start of 2023. The campaign recognises the huge value in keeping, where possible, brothers and sisters together. We believe that foster families who can take in siblings have the chance to foster their growth, foster their shared story and ultimately, this will result in better outcomes for those children and young people.
Re-write Normal
Re-write Normal came from the story of Leigh, one of our young people who had recently aged out of foster care. Leigh describes what ‘normal’ looked like for her before entering the foster care system. We invited people to re-write what normal could be by providing loving, safe and understanding foster homes. The campaign ran from September to November 2022.
Grow Them a Brighter Future
Grow Them a Brighter Future was, primarily, a leaflet drop campaign across key areas of our fostering service areas. Community Foster Care are committed to being an environmentally friendly fostering agency, so we used seeded paper to promote the message that you could ‘grow’ fostered children and young people a brighter future. The leaflets could be planted and were symbolic of those seeds of self-worth foster parents plant every time they listen, every time they understand, every time they love and care for these highly traumatised children. The campaign ran at the start of 2022.