Join Us
Join our team
We are searching for new, talented, inspired people to join our crew. As a small community-focused fostering charity, exciting things are happening, and we’re look for new crew members to join our expedition. We’re propelled by our values and our belief to explore new ways to help realise young people’s potential and achieve our mission.
This is where we will post all job vacancies. If you can't see anything suitable at the moment, please bookmark the page, as we update it regularly.
Please Note
Community Foster Care takes Safer Recruitment very seriously.
Community Foster Care will explore candidates’ suitability to work with children as part of the recruitment process. Please ensure you have read the following policy and statement prior to applying for any posts:
“We are all working towards the same goal - to do the best we can for the children and carers we are supporting.”
Job Vacancies
“Community Foster Care is a lovely organisation to work for. I really agree with the ethos of the agency and the passion we have in caring for children and supporting foster carers. I also feel that I am integrated into the agency and a valued member of the team. I really see our team as a family.”
Be a foster carer
We welcome people from all backgrounds, communities and circumstances. We believe that children belong in families and their needs are varied. Our children and young people need a wide range of family types.
You may be:
single, married or divorced
male or female
a parent with young or grown-up children
someone who’s never had children
a single parent
in a same-sex relationship
employed or unemployed (employed people who need to work full-time will be considered for respite foster care, ie weekends and school holidays to support other foster carers)
you may have a criminal record for non-violent offences or cautions in the past