CFC’s Foster Care Fortnight Awareness Walk 2021


Today, some of our foster carers in the north and south got together to head out on the Foster Care Fortnight awareness walk. Our foster carer representative in the north, Alison, rallied the troops and Benji (Louise’s pug x shi tzu) to take to the streets to talk with people about fostering in Lancashire and raise awareness of the great need for more foster carers in the UK.

Meanwhile, in the south, our carers Simon and Helen got together with Bella the dog to get out for a walk in Gloucester.

The fostering awareness walk is put on every year by The Fostering Network to raise awareness of fostering, fundraise and celebrate the incredible job foster carers across the UK do.

Every 20 minutes in the UK a child enters the foster care system and, as of March 2020, there were over 80,000 children and young people in care just in England. Only 72% of those children needing a home are living with foster families, meaning thousands of new fostering families are needed.

If you could provide a safe, stable, loving and understanding home to a child or young person, please do get in touch, we’d love to chat!

Check out some of the snaps from the day!


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